TJ’s Takeaways: Five Things to Know About High-Energy Team Performance Learned from Former NHL Stanley Cup Winner, Ryan Walter
TJ's takeaways from Ryan Walter's presentation for Vistage teams in Jacksonville Florida

Hosted by Jacksonville Vistage Chairman & Leadership Coach, Terrence “TJ” Kelly
The Five Thinking States
Ryan informed us that we spend our time in each of these five thinking states;
- Past Negative
- Past Positive
- Future Negative
- Future Positive
- Flow
Energy and Performance
Each of the five thinking states has value. Additionally, each of these thinking states consume time and energy. Ryan reminds us that energy is critical to team performance.
The language associated with the five thinking states helps you and your teammates recognize the state you are, to become intentional about how much time and energy you spend in each state.
Reaching Flow
With the awareness of these five thinking states and the language associated with them, you can consciously communicate and intentionally move from one state to another, thereby shifting your attention and energy from one state to another and reaching closer to flow. The flow that delivers the highest level of performance and the greatest team satisfaction.
For more info about Ryan Walter, go to his website at
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