Discover Your Avatar: Why Do You Do What You Do?
Ridgely founded The Avatar Formula, a revolutionary marketing and messaging program that attracts ideal clients using emotional intelligence and limbic messaging.

Leadership Subject Matter Expert & Presenter: Ridgely Goldsborough
Dates: June 12 & 13, 2018
Leadership Coach: Terrence “TJ” Kelly
About our leadership topic:
Ridgely helps participants better understand who they are as a leader by recognizing their strengths (Superpowers) as well as greatest challenge (Kryptonite). He introduces a methodology for leaders to better understand themselves as well as their teammates and other key interfaces. Having a more clear understanding of who you are and what you stand for allows you to become a more genuine and influential leader.
About our subject matter expert:
Author and International Speaker, Ridgely Goldsborough, believes in solving problems and sharing solutions with others. After graduating from Law School in 1987, he has founded 43 companies, written 16 books, hosted his own television show and created multiple audio and video programs on success and prosperity, and conducted dozens of online marketing campaigns. Ridgely is the founder of The Avatar Formula, a revolutionary marketing and messaging program that attracts ideal clients using emotional intelligence and limbic messaging. He does all his work in both English and Spanish.
Care to learn more?
Follow this link, visit Ridgley's website and conduct your own research for this month's Subject Matter Expert.